Thursday, February 05, 2004

Employees Share Option Scheme (ESOS)

Dapat surat dari CEO kepada semua staff NSTP yg bertajuk Employees Share Option Scheme (ESOS). Jumaat ni dah boleh amik. Cuma kene pegi turunkan tandatangan kat tingkat 5. Satu lagi benda baru dlm hidup aku. Selama ni aku cuma penah dengar je org cite pasal mende share ni & tak dpt lagi nak bayangkan ape sbenarnye bende tu. Tapi skarang ni aku akan merasa sendiri macammana ESOS tu. Alhamdulillah....amin

Birth Date and Type:

November 1 - 16 ~ Lion
December 17 - 25 ~ Monkey


You are a born leader. People look up to you. You have lots a friends and you are very attractive. Your nice and people want to be your friend. You make friends easily.


You are attractive and hyper. You have a lot of friends and your really outgoing. You gossip alot. Your funky and "unique" theres no one else like you. You want attention and like to be a leader.

* Update on DigitalBrain PLC

--> Sample soalan Exam Unix Qod Solaris

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